Section: New Results

Ongoing activities and results for integration of Polychrony with the P toolset

Participants : Christophe Junke, Loïc Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin.

Current state of P. The P language is still under definition, notably for the software/hardware architectural description of systems. In late october 2013, technical partners (headed by Adacore) released the first beta version of the toolset. The main activites of the ESPRESSO team can be splitted in analysis and development activities:

  • The analysis activites consisted in understanding what tasks shall be performed ultimately by the P toolset w.r.t. code generation and architecture, and how Polychrony could be used in the proposed workflow.

  • The development activities consisted in introducing a modified block sequencing algorithm in P and starting the development of the P to Signal converter.


Co-modeling in P. First, P should import functional behavior from Simulink, Stateflow and UML class, activity and state machine diagrams. Those represent a strictly sequential semantics: “the code generated from functional behaviour language will be strictly sequential and void of tasking features” (P specification (https://forge.open-do.org/plugins/moinmoin/p/ )).

Second, imported architectural description languages are likely to be SysML, MARTE and AADL, which present concurrent semantics. Hence, “the code generated from architectural description languages may include concurrent semantics (thread, shared resources...)” (ibid). However, code generation from architectural description languages will consist of invocations to an underlying real-time API. The current target of code generation is the APEX ARINC-653 API, which provides real-time services like inter/intra-partition communication channels as well as task scheduling. Real-time properties of imported architectural elements, like task periods and scheduling policy, are used to configure those services.


Code distribution. Code generation should be able to distribute the functional blocks among architectural elements (processors/threads and buses/queues).

Polychrony offers a way to distribute Signal processes among different locations [31] . In general, such code distribution may lead to the synthesis of new input and output ports: when expressing synchronous communication with asynchronous protocols, some clock information might need to be added to resynchronize data-flows. Moreover, the computation model of Signal allows to order asynchronous read and write operations to avoid communication deadlock. The extended input/output interfaces of blocks could be reimported back to P in order to ensure the correctness of code distribution.

It appears however that the subset of Simulink that is imported in P, and the execution model of P functional models that is enforced by the P compiler, can be viewed as a composition of endochronous multi-rate nodes (all inputs of a node are computed before all of its outputs; this avoids deadlock problems when composing nodes). This model ends up being similar to a Lustre model of computation, where code distribution can be performed without adding communication flows and where read/write operations can be setup in a general way without introducing deadlocks [41] .

Despite the above observations, it might be possible to extend the input/output interfaces of existing P models thanks to Polychrony. One approach is to ensure that block dependencies between Simulink blocks are effectively respected after code distribution. Indeed, functional blocks can be partially ordered thanks to user-defined priorities. If other partners see an interest with this approach, it could be possible to establish communication links between ordered blocks, so that the global execution order of blocks in a distributed setting is the same as the one modeled originally in the simulation environment.


Model clustering. Alternatively, it would be interesting from a Signal point of view to loosen the synchronization assumptions made by both Simulink and P so that only algebraic dependencies are taken into account (e.g. interpret all Simulink subsystems as virtual, ignore all non-strictly required dependencies...), while respecting clock constraints (e.g. sample time, controlled and enabled blocks...). In that case, the Signal compiler could perform code distribution for simulation purposes, or simply to provide another compilation scheme for P. Another step could be to apply an automatic code distribution mechanism into so-called clusters, and export those clusters back to P as architectural elements. The resulting P model would end-up being having possibly more tasks/threads and smaller functional blocks, which might be interesting. Those design decisions are still under consideration and must be discussed with other partners.


From P to Signal. The development activities in the P project currently consist in adding a P to Signal translator. It is being developed as a backend of the P toolset, which provides a number of facilities to access and perform computations on P models. The current prototype must be completed and refined according to what are the actual needs in the project, but can already be tested with input models.

In order to validate the approach, the existing test models of the P projects are all checked with this exporter (over two hundreds small models, a couple of big ones). The resulting SSME files are then converted to Signal files: this step required to generate a command-line version of the Eclispe Polychrony product, as well a a batch converter from SSME to Signal (this converter is integrated in the Polychrony environment). In addition to convert SSME files to Signal, this converter also validates the model against Ecore constraints. Finally, the resulting Signal files are compiled with the original C++ Signal compiler to check typing and clock relationships (those tests are not performed at the SSME level). The resulting test toolchain gives useful feedbacks for the iterative development of the translator.


Partial orders in P. The exporter also needs to export block dependencies from functional models. Since Polychrony is also able to infer a total order while taking into account code distribution, it was not satisfactory to export the existing total order computed by the P toolset: it is more sensible to export the subset that is strictly necessary (or desired). In agreement with technical partners, we modified the existing sequencer so that it could be parameterized with block ordering criteria (for example, we might want to take into account dataflow dependencies as well as user-defined priority in Polychrony, but nothing more). The outcome is a single package responsible for computing partial and total orders inside the P toolset. This prevents other tools, like the P to Signal exporter, to compute partial order by themselves.

The implementation of the sequencer is based on a dependency matrix that helps computing the transitive closure of dependencies (to quickly check whether two blocks are dependent on each other) while keeping track of their transitive reduction (in order to export only the minimal set of relationships). Now that the first version of the P toolset is released, the sequencer will hopefully be integrated in the P toolset.